In reunion news it’s time to book your accommodation. What’s that? You don’t have your tickets yet? What are you waiting for? We also have news about a local alumnus who is offering reunion gear for pickup at the reunion. Brenda Fisk thanks Harvey for being singled out in our last newsletter and shares her thoughts on what our past reunions have meant to her. Harvey and our former Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, both have birthdays and they need to get a few things off their chests. And of course there’s more, so click though now.
Editorial recap of the month that was September, Bob Wrigley remembers his most embarrassing moment in sport, St. Lambert International becomes the first school to adopt the Yondr program in Quebec in which students give up their phones during classes, more school news, an unfortunate return to our monthly obits, and the usual nonsense of random shots.
We’re back with a recap of the scorching hot summer, a trip to remember, praise for the reunion, news about Taylor’s, St Lambert Days, the expansiveness of memory, school news and more random shots of humour. Don’t miss it.
Stephen Campbells Xmas Story