Alumni Memorial Garden Project
I know all of you have heard the stories and promises about the proposed additions to old Chambly County High School for a couple of years now. Well, I'm here to confirm that the work has actually begun - and I've got pictures to prove it. The expected completion date for the inside portion of the new facilities is September 2009, with some of the exterior work carrying on until November. Barring any unexpected delays, students will start off the 2009-2010 year with a new double gymnasium, library, combination cafeteria/auditorium and green space.
It has been a long wait - over 12 years for those who have lobbied for the project from the beginning. They have had to contend with negative petitions started by local area residents and dog walkers, municipal elections, referendums, general political intrigue and lengthily, drawn out land sale negotiations which finally culminated with the purchase of surplus school land by the City of St. Lambert. Thank God Mayor Sean Finn supported the project or we would still be waiting.
Anytime a project takes so long to get off the ground there are always rumors and concerns about what might be causing the delay. For many, and I suspect this had an element of truth to it, it was the dreaded suspicion that our school would be closed as part of a cost cutting initiative. After all, some really basic repairs had been continuously deferred and, there were two very large English schools in the area that could easily accommodate the 500 or so Chambly students. But someone saw the light and finally recognized the value of having a small, diverse, inclusive school to complement the two large facilities. Not every parent wants their child attending a 2,000 student facility and in fact many do much better in a smaller school environment. Once this realization took hold, the Riverside School Board went ahead with major repairs, got the land sale completed and funded the current new construction project. All told, close to $5 million will have been spent on additions and improvements over the last three years.
Construction actually got under way February 25, even though the ground was frozen solid and snow was waist deep. The “official” ground breaking ceremony, with the press and local dignitaries took place Friday, March 20. The only unexpected issue encountered during the first phase of work was the large amount of ground water found. This will necessitate a better drainage system. (That's what happens when you build on a former swamp.) And, just to illustrate some of the bureaucratic obstacles that had to cleared, final approval for the type of material to be used on the facing of the new building was only granted two weeks ago, three weeks after construction started. It seems some on City Council wanted treated, natural wood . The school board and architect thought that would be too expensive to maintain and eventually a compromise of simulated wood (plastic) was accepted. And by the way, the council vote on the compromise was not unanimous.

Take a look at the construction and ground braking pictures as well as the plans depicting the finished product.
Pay particular attention to the Green Space which will be known as the Alumni Memorial Garden.
Alumni Memorial Gardens
In recognition of the work your Alumni Association undertakes on behalf of the school and students. It will be a fitting tribute and a lasting memorial that the Association and its members can be proud of. And, of course, if you attend the 2010 Reunion in May of next year you can get an up close and personal look at all the changes. Sit down and relax in the new Alumni Garden, sip a cool beverage and reflect on your high school years and all the changes that have unfolded over the years.
At our Association's Annual General Meeting in September, 2009, the Alumni board of directors advised school principal, Mike Languay, we would like to help with funding for the new green space. This would be done through various means, including an appeal to our membership for donations. The new green space would be recognized as an “Alumni Memorial Garden” and would be a lasting tribute to former students, teachers and staff.
The garden, featuring shrubs, walkways, benches and tables will provide a quiet outdoor setting and, because it will be sheltered on all four sides, will be usable on milder winter days. The green ground cover will be low maintenance clover.
To help complete this project, the Board of Directors has pledged $5.000.00 from Association general funds and solicits your support to help make up the balance that will be required to complete the garden and maintain it. We know that once completed the Alumni Memorial Garden will be a fitting memorial to all Alumni.
In anticipation of launching a fundraising campaign, the Association approached the South Shore Educational Foundation and they have set up a tax exempt account to accept contributions and provide tax receipts (when requested) which can be used as a deduction for income tax purposes.
All donors will have their names permanently displayed on a memorial Alumni Plaque mounted in the new library.
Alumni Memorial Garden Fund Donors
In memory of Douglas McCallum and Ross McCallum
Heather Nesbitt (McCallum) C'61
In memory of Michael Murphy Ahern
Shirley Ahern (North) C'50
In memory of all our 1957 Classmates
Warren Mackenzie C'57
In memory of all our 1960 Classmates
Patricia-Buck Mackenzie C'60
In Memory of Gayle Hutchison" C'77
Keith Thomas C'76
In Memory of my brother Brent MacKenzie C'73
Lynn MacKenzie C'66
In memory of Sherrill Fisher Williams, Diane Capen,Barbara Lagueux and Claudette Shaheen
Catherine E Weeks C'57
Angus & Joanne Cross (Lemke) C'60
Harvey Carter C'60
Jack Anderson C'71
Stan Greene C'60
Carol Burr (Bruce) C'57
Julia Papucciyan C'72
Bernie Praw - ex staff
David Webster - C'55
Daniel Thompson C'79
John William Baxter C'63
Al Thomson C'60
John Carr C'76
John Ernst C'58
Peter Payan C'59
David Pollock C'61
Helen Chanfat C'90
Carol Jankowski (Pascoe) C'62
Jean Marie (Venne) Hensley C'55
Gerald O'Connor C'53
Brenda Mary Smith (Fisk) C'69
Sheila Kerr (McPhee) C'53
Steve Souaid C'78
Gordon Beck C'60
Harvey Wright C'55
Donald Watt - Class of 1949
Doug McCallum - Class of 1950
Frank M. Mellish - Class of 1957
Claudette Shaheen - Class of 1957
Jim Green - Class of 1960
Don Hastings - Class of 1968
Martha Foster - Class of 1975
Make A Donation to the Alumni Memorial Garden
Make a Donation by Mail
Make a cheque payable to the CCHS & CA Alumni Association
Mail to: CCHS & CA Alumni Association,
675 Green Street, St. Lambert, QC , J4P 1V9 Canada
Mark on the cheque or an accompanying note that it is for the "Alumni Memorial Garden".
Indicate if you wish to receive a Receipt for Taxation Purposes.
Make a Donation Online
Indicate if you wish to receive a Receipt for Taxation Purposes.
Your generous support in these tough economic times will be most greatly appreciated.
Board of Directors
CCHS & CA Alumni Association
The next page allows alumni the opportunity
to post a memorial for a former classmate
or special teacher from wherever in the world they may be.
Become A Member of The Association
In addition to supporting the goals of the CCHS & CA Alumni Association (a great cause in and of itself), membership has a number of benefits including access to all password protected content on this website, including back issues of our monthly newsletter Alumni Connections, Alumni Flashbacks, Who's Who Directory, Contact info and biographies for Fellow Classmates, and discounts on some reunion events Members must login to utilize these features.
A variety of individual and family membership plans are available. If you are not a member please consider joining us today.