CCHS 2023 Reunion News
Friday, May 19 & Saturday, May 20
There are not too many days left to get your tickets. We would like to have everyone signed up by May 5 so firm up your plans and please register now!
There may be a very limited number of tickets available after May 5 but, because Friday and Saturday night are being catered, we need to get firm numbers to Compass, our supplier, within a few days of the deadline.
There will be no “at the door sales” for either the Friday Meet & Greet or the Saturday Dinner.
2023 Reunion
One Track Mind - Bring back any Memories?
While not playing at the Reunion several members of “One Track Mind” shown in this late 1960’s photo will be. The band featured CCHS grads Peter Kerr (1966) on vocals and Gary Millward (1966) on keyboards.
Peter and Gary, along with Gord Mansell (1968) will be appearing with Cadillac Music at the Saturday night Dance. The band also includes non CCHS alumni Dan Faille on bass guitar and Richard Wills on drums. You don’t want to miss them.
Gord Mansell will also be appearing in the “Free“ Saturday afternoon Variety Show with several other amazing acts including Alan Hemmings, Erika Lefebvre, Art Laduke and a karate demonstration. You don’t want to miss it.
Steve Souaid is looking for Saturday morning pickle ball players. If you are interested contact him at: stevensouaid1@gmail.com or drop me a note at harveycarter363@gmail.com.
The Saturday morning walking tour still has lots of room. If you haven’t been back to St. Lambert for a few years take this opportunity to look around and be brought up to date by local experts from the Historical society. To sign up contact Jack Anderson at jack@foxblocks.com or me harveycarter363@gmail.com.
Well, well, well, publication of the newsletter went out a little too early last month. If I had waited a few days I could have reported (ranted) about the Donald’s indictment on 34 felony counts related to his hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal and a Trump Tower doorman. The doorman apparently had information about Trump’s illegitimate child - it took $30,000 to keep him quite. Trump and his minions have gone ballistic and the lawyers are lining their pockets (if they get paid). Let us just hope that the crazies don’t try to shoot the prosecutor or witnesses. Can’t wait for Jack Smith to do his thing.
April 4 - Twenty five years after the last one, Quebec and southern Ontario were hit with a major ice storm putting millions of people in the dark. In some case small pockets of hydro customers went without power for a full week. Driving though St. Lambert on my way home from the curling club, I had to get out of the car and move a large branch off the road so I could get by. On the south shore and elsewhere thousands of branches and a many trees came down from the weight of accumulated ice. My area happened to survive, I heard a transformer blow and the lights went out for maybe five seconds. Just had to reset clocks on the stove and microwave.
April 6 - If you had any doubts about the racist nature of many in the Republican Party that idea was a dispelled when the Tennessee legislature expelled two elected black representatives for protesting about gun violence on the house floor while giving a pass to the white female member who was involved in the same protest.
April 13 - We reached a record high of 28 C (82 F) and all remnants of snow were finally melted away. We hit another record two days later but it was soon back to normal. Nice while it lasted.
April 18 - FOX News settles with Dominion for $787 million. I don’t think Dominion got everything they hoped for but a three or four year trial was not something either side wanted to undergo and it looks like the time value of money must have been a major consideration. What disturbs me a little bit is that FOX can now claim they were not found guilty by a jury – they will say we just settled so we could move on. I wonder how this will be played by their on air personalities
April 19 - A historic day. At 8:00 AM a delivery truck showed up and deposited 60 2 X 4’s and 15 sheets of plywood in the driveway. The carpenters appeared at 9:00 AM, took an hour to set up and then began my basement rebuild, almost 8 months after the September flood. The carpenters left Friday morning and the carpet installer then showed up to access what his job would look like. They are supposed to begin on May 1st.
My neighbor across the street, who suffered similar damage, is still being stonewalled by her insurance company and doesn’t know when her work will start - very frustrated.
It was with shock and extreme sadness that we learned of the sudden passing of Julia Papucciyan, Class of 1972. Julia had been a member of the Alumni Association’s board of directors since its inception and worked diligently on all our previous reunions and events. She was a breath of a breath of fresh air at our normally subdued meetings. None of her fellow board members were aware of her dire medical situation prior to her passing. She will be missed by all.
Stay Strong Ukraine
The war drags on with no end in sight. The United Nations has its hands tied as both Russia and China hold veto powers over any actions or interventions in might propose. It will continue to be up to the USA and NATO allies to back-stop Ukriane.
Thanks to Gerhard Frost, Brita Stolz, Warren Mackenzie and former teacher Denis Brault. And of course to jokesters Rob Ellicott, Bob Wrigley and Jim Baxter. I keep threatening and one day I will run some of the more risqué material they send in. You can find just about anything on the internet.
Until next month please take care and for heaven’s sake sign up for the reunion, we are less than a month away.
Welcome New and Renewing Alumni Association Members

Susan Fehr (Armistead)
Class of 1980
From: Calgary, AB

Peter Grayton
Class of 1974
From: Brossard, QC

Gus Jones
Class of 1964
From: From Hermitage, NL

Steve Sharp
Class of 1973
From: Vankleek Hill, ON

Heather Nesbitt (McCallum)
Class of 1961
From: Kemptville, ON
Renewing Member
Mike Latremouile
Class of 1976
From: Greenfield Park, QC

Flo Hinks (Trudeau)
Class of 1960
From: Prince George, BC

Tom McNeilly
Class of 1960
From: Lethbridge, AB
Thank You to these Generous Donors

Class of 1965
From: Eden Mills, ON

From: Halifax, HS
Expiring Memberships
Please renew now.
Jill Bench
Maureen Lyon

Brita Housez (Stolz)
Class of 1961
Thanks again Brita for your support and have a great summer.
Hello Spring
A Fleeting Moment

Denis Brault
French, Latin and History Teacher
Journey into Antiquity
I taught at Chambly County from 1978 to 1985.
Could you inform members (among whom would be former students and colleagues) that my second novel - Journey into Antiquity - has just been published.
The Chambly County Classics Cub is mentioned in Chapter One!
The book is available at flowerpublish@gmail.com
Thank you!
Overview: Holden Hainsworth is a retired Classics professor who enjoys spending time with his grandson Cruz. Together, they embark on a "virtual journey" into the world of Greek and Roman mythology and history. They encounter gods, heroes, and historical characters from Greco-Roman antiquity. Strangely, they also meet characters who are not mentioned in any history books!
ISBN-13: 9781989352175

Class of 1957
Patti Buck
Class of 1960
60th Wedding Anniversary
In 1998 Warren Mackenzie – C-’57 and Patti Buck – C-’60 moved from St. Lambert to London, Ontario and took up residence in the northwest area of this lovely city.
In the years that shortly followed, their kids (all ex. CCHS’ers) Geoff – C-’81, Sally – C-’82 and Andrea – C-’84, also moved to London and remain there, except for Geoff who moved to Barrie, Ont.
Patti & Warren recently moved to the equally lovely district in southwest area of the city. Here they are settled in their new quarters. Last month (end of March) Patti & Warren, along with other family members, celebrated their 60th. Wedding Anniversary.
A shot of Victoria Avenue from Gordon Park looking toward Green Street

Class of 1965
What to do after Retirement
Fossil hunting with Gerhard
It is a good time to do things that you had often thought about and never followed through. I spent a few Saturdays combing the Moose Jaw gravel pit for nodules that contain muscle shells dating back to the Cambrian period, intact mother of pearl and often complete. A few weekends were spent with my children in the bad lands of southern Saskatchewan, looking for turtle shell fossils, leaf fossils, etc . The bentonite formations made easy. That landscape was also handy for Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid to hide from US authorities in their day. It was a fine area to take children: fossil hunting is like eating peanuts, once you start, it is hard to stop. The occasional rattlesnake may be a bit intimidating and calls for a wide berth to wildlife. We started with leaf impressions, found a but of turtle shell and in another location, an uplifted ancient coral reef with individual coral organisms, dating back to before they became organized as a complete symbiotic organism we see today. While these pieces look childish and insignificant, they were the start to a few fun weekends.
Thanks for the great article

Class of 1972
Julia Papucciyan
De Brossard, le 24 mars 2023, à l'âge de 69 ans, est décédée Mme Culya Papucciyan.Elle repose désormais auprès de son conjoint, Jean-Pierre Desormeaux.
Elle laisse dans le deuil son frère Nurhan (Danielle) ses neveux Brian (Alexandrine) et Kevin (Véronique), son beau-fils Pierre-Jean (Stéphane) et leur fils Luca, sa petite nièce Charlie, ses petits neveux Rafaël, Édouard, Tristan et Émile ainsi que d'autres parents et amis.
On March 24, 2023, at the age of 69, Mrs. Julia Papucciyan of Brossard passed away. She is now resting with her spouse, Jean-Pierre Desormeaux.
She is survived by her brother Nurhan (Danielle), her nephews Brian (Alexandrine) and Kevin (Véronique), her stepson Pierre-Jean (Stéphane) and their son Luca, her great-niece Charlie, her great-nephews Rafaël, Édouard, Tristan and Émile as well as other relatives and friends.

And Finally...
Medicare Part G
The government is pushing assisted suicide for the elderly but this option is better:
Say you are an older senior citizen and can no longer take care of yourself and need Long-Term Care, but the government says there is no Nursing Home care available for you. So, what do you do? You opt for Medicare Part G.
The plan gives anyone 75 or older a gun (Part G) and one bullet. You are allowed to shoot one worthless politician*. This means you will be sent to prison for the rest of your life where you will receive three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating and air conditioning, cable TV, a library, and all the health care you need. Need new teeth? No problem. Need glasses? That's great. Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart? They are all covered!
As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you at least as often as they do now! And who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you they can't afford for you to go into a nursing home.
And you will get rid of a useless politician while you are at it!!
(And now, because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any more income taxes!)
Is this a great country or what?
Now that you have solved your senior Long-Term Care problem, enjoy the rest of your week.
*FYI: Some folks are already complaining that you are limited to only one politician
“Pick on Donald” month
Snoopy Writes a Book
Donald Laments
Random Pics
Advice for the Pastor
A pastor's wife was expecting a baby, so he stood before the Congregation and asked for a raise. After much discussion, they passed a rule that whenever the pastor's family expanded so would his paycheck.
After 6 children, this started to get expensive and the congregation decided to hold another meeting to discuss the pastor's expanding salary. A great deal of yelling and inner bickering ensued, as to how much the pastor's additional children were costing the church, and how much more it could potentially cost.
After listening to them for about an hour, the pastor rose from his chair and spoke, "Children are a gift from God, and we will take as many gifts as He gives us." Silence fell over the congregation.
In the back pew, a little old lady struggled to stand, and finally said in her frail voice "Rain is also a gift from God, but when we get too much of it, we wear rubbers."
The entire congregation said, "Amen."